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Lee You Mi Defends Controversial Actions Of Her Character In All Of Us Are Dead


Lee You-mi Defends Controversial Actions of Her Character in "All of Us Are Dead"

Netflix's Zombie K-Drama Features Lee Yoo-mi as Arrogant High School Student

Lee Na-yeon's Role Sparks Discussion on Morality and Redemption in the Zombie Apocalypse

Actress Lee Yoo-mi, known for her role in "Squid Game," has defended the controversial actions of her character, Lee Na-yeon, in the Netflix zombie K-drama "All of Us Are Dead."

Na-yeon, a wealthy and arrogant high school student, bullies her classmates and indirectly causes the death of one of them. Her character has been met with both criticism and sympathy from viewers, sparking a debate about morality and redemption in the face of a zombie apocalypse.

In an interview, Lee Yoo-mi explained that she believes Na-yeon's actions stem from loneliness and insecurity. "She's not inherently a bad person, but she's made some terrible choices," she said. "I hope that people can understand her motivations, even if they don't agree with her actions."

Lee Yoo-mi also expressed her hope that future seasons of "All of Us Are Dead" will explore Na-yeon's character further. "I think there's a lot of potential for growth and redemption for her," she said. "But that's up to the writers to decide."

Whether or not Lee Na-yeon receives redemption in the future remains to be seen. However, her character has already sparked important conversations about the complexities of human nature, even in the most extreme situations.

